
Turkey’s E-Arşiv Invoice Mandate and Integration Methods

The Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) expanded the e-transformation practices both in terms of application and taxpayers in scope with the General Communique issued on 19 October 2019. Within this context, using the e-invoice system and e-arşiv invoices became mandatory for businesses with a year-end turnover of TRY 5 million and above. Taxpayers with gross sales […]

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Turkey’s Digital Tax Transformation: What is E-Arşiv Invoice?

Companies have begun to transfer financial processes to the digital environment as a result of technological developments in recent years. Business efficiency has increased through the financial processes regulated via e-transformation applications. The e-transformation system in Turkey covers applications such as e-invoice, e-ledger, e-arşiv, e-ticket, e-reconciliation, and e-delivery note. Mandate scope of e-arşiv invoice According […]

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Turkey Continues to Protect Employees from Effects of COVID-19: Part II
Turkey Continues to Protect Employees from Effects of COVID-19: Part II

Incentive law numbered 7252 was published in the Official Gazette for private sector employers on 28 July 2020. Thanks to this law, private sector employers who applied for short work allowance (SWA) and cash wage support before July 2020 and whose short-time working ended will be able to benefit from financial support. How to claim […]

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Virtual Recipient Application Makes Sending an E-Delivery Note to all Recipients Possible

The new e-transformation regulations set by the Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) have been implemented one after the other. The regulation regarding e-delivery notes, which must be issued before shipping any goods takes place, also came into force on 1 July 2020. Based on the new regulation, certain businesses have started using the e-delivery note application […]

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Turkey Amends the General Communique

The Turkish Revenue Authority (TRA) continues to innovate digital tax controls, most recently by introducing a new document type among other changes. They recently published a Draft Communique including several amendments to existing regulations which were opened up for public consultation. The General Communique on the Tax Procedural Law (General Communique), which this recent draft […]

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Turkey Continues to Protect Employees from Effects of COVID-19

The Turkish government continues to minimize the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on companies. A Presidential decree has extended the deadline for the Ban on Layoffs and Cash Wage Support from 17 July 2020 until 17 August 2020. This measure, which protects both employees and employers, is extended until 30 June 2021 and will be […]

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TRA Updates E-Delivery Note Application Guidelines

Issuing e-delivery and printed delivery notes together The article (Article 15.5), which was quite confusing in the initial version of the guideline, is now much clearer. If an e-delivery note can’t be issued in the location where the shipment is initiated e.g. the delivery truck, it may be issued within the company. However, a printed […]

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Cancellation and Refund Policies for E-Invoice and E-Arşiv Invoice

Taxpayers with annual gross sales of TRY 5 million and above are obliged to use e-invoice or e-arşiv invoice from 1 July 2020. Although the e-invoice has the same qualities as a paper invoice, there are occasions where it should be treated differently such as for cancellations and refunds. What is a refund invoice? A […]

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Turkey: Penalties for Noncompliance with the Mandatory Electronic Document Framework

For rules to carry any real weight, the rule-maker must combine compliance with that rule with either a carrot or a stick. In the field of tax legislation, the rule-maker, in this case, the legislator or the tax authority, almost always goes down the route of the stick in situations of noncompliance. And the penalties […]

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E-Delivery Note Usage Scenarios

The General Communiqué no. 509 (communiqué) established the date of transition to the e-delivery note application and the full scope of the mandate. Whilst the communiqué addressed the general use of the application and the basic practices, it didn’t contain all the information businesses require and although the FAQ and information from the Turkish Revenue […]

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Key Facts About Turkey’s E-Arşiv Invoice System

The era of paper invoices is coming to an end. With the e-arşiv invoice system, you can issue an electronic invoice, even to non-registered e-invoice taxpayers. This regulation enables companies to send invoices directly to the end-user via e-mail removing the need for paper invoices. Due to the official statement from the Turkish Revenue Administration […]

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Turkey: Which Documents Can Replace E-Delivery Notes?

From 1 July 2020, all taxpayers with revenue above 25 million TL in 2018 or subsequent years must switch to the e-delivery note system. E-invoice instead of e-delivery note With the deadline fast approaching, one of the questions on taxpayers’ minds is whether e-invoices can be used to replace e-delivery notes as paper invoices can […]

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Turkey’s Transition Conditions for E-ledger

On October 19, 2019, the Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) published a communique making the e-ledger application mandatory for e-invoice users, companies subject to an independent audit, and companies identified by the Presidency to have poor tax compliance.  The e-ledger application enables businesses to create the legally mandated general journals and ledgers and submit e-ledger summary […]

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Deadline Looming for Turkey’s E-delivery Note Mandate – Are You Ready?

Following the successful implementation of the e-invoicing mandate that has gradually expanded its scope, Turkey introduced a new mandate to track the movement of goods in a more technology-efficient way. Like many other countries, Turkey has already been able to retroactively track the movement of goods by obliging taxpayers to issue delivery notes. Having seen […]

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Turkey Publishes Storage Guidelines for E-Ledger

On 3 April 2020,  storage guidelines for e-ledger were published by the Turkish Revenue Authority (TRA). The guidelines set out the requirements and standards for special integrators, and the requirements for supporting secondary storage services for e-ledgers, e-ledger summary report (Berat) files and other documents created through the e-ledger system. Background The Communique, first published […]

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Turkey  Postpones  Submission Deadlines of E-Ledgers Due to COVID-19

On March 26, 2020, TRA published an announcement that postpones the deadlines for submitting e-Ledgers and e-Ledger summary reports ( berats). While the impact of COVID-19 takes hold around the world, we’ve been watching the different governments adapt to accommodate changes to support businesses and their economies.  It is now Turkey’s turn.   The  General Communique […]

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Turkey’s Digital Transformation and E-Invoicing Landscape

For companies operating in Turkey, 2019 was an eventful year for tax regulatory change and in particular, e-invoicing reform. Since it was first introduced in 2012, the e-invoicing mandate has grown, and companies are having to adapt in order to comply with requirements in 2020 and beyond.  According to the General Communique on the Tax […]

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Turkey Publishes e-Delivery Application Manual

The Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) has now published the long-awaited e-Delivery Note Application Manual. The manual clarifies how the electronic delivery process will work and answers frequently asked questions. It addresses the application as well as its scope and structure, outlines important scenarios and provides clarity for companies who are unclear about the adoption of […]

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