
Outlook on Latin America: Changes Ahead

Change is a constant when it comes to VAT compliance throughout Latin America. Pioneers in leveraging technology to support electronic data transmission, tax filing and reporting, Latin American countries continue to evolve their regulations to further streamline processes and extract additional data from companies. If your business operates in Latin America, here are some of […]

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Crunching the Numbers: Calculating the ROI of Compliance and Reporting Solutions

Rapidly changing VAT compliance and reporting regulations sweeping across Europe are forcing companies to determine the best – and most cost-effective – way to minimize the risks and burdens of these measures. These companies need to evaluate three key areas – tax/finance, IT and implementation – to calculate the potential return on investment (ROI) of […]

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Why Our Acquisition of TrustWeaver is an Important Milestone in the Evolution of Modern Tax Software

By Andy Hovancik – President & CEO Today, we announced the acquisition of Stockholm-based TrustWeaver to create a clear leader in modern tax software. TrustWeaver has become a seal of approval for the world’s largest procure-to-pay and AP systems. This is a testament not only to the effectiveness of its e-invoicing software and integrations, but […]

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Un anuncio de Sovos

Hoy, anunciamos la adquisición de TrustWeaver con sede en Estocolmo, para crear un claro líder en software impositivo moderno – y expandir nuestra cobertura de facturación electrónica a 60 países en 6 continentes. Hemos visto el cumplimiento de facturación electrónica expandirse a cada continente, agregando complejidad y riesgo a tus procesos financieros claves. TrustWeaver se […]

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Anúncio de Sovos

Hoje nós anunciamos a aquisição da empresa sueca TrustWeaver para criar uma clara liderança na nova era de software fiscal – e expandir nossa cobertura de e-Invoicing (faturação eletrônica) a 60 países em seis continentes. Nós estamos assistindo à faturação eletrônica espalhar-se por todos os continentes, adicionando complexidade e risco ao seu processo financeiro e […]

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Procure to Pay Process – ASUG Survey Finds Sales and Use Tax Obligation Blindspot – INFOGRAPHIC

Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG) survey of finance, tax, procurement and IT professionals reveals a continued proper sales and use tax obligations blindspot in the procure-to-pay process. See INFOGRAPHIC Below Large geographically dispersed manufacturers, wholesalers and financial services organizations have varied and complicated purchasing processes and channels. As these organizations grow and purchase from an […]

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VAT & B2G Reporting Newsletter: April 2018

International News European Council Clears Way for Italy e-Invoicing Requirement On April 16, 2018, the European Council approved Italy’s derogation request from Articles 218 and 232 of the EU VAT Directive, bringing Italy one step closer to implementing its mandatory e-Invoicing requirement. Article 218 requires that Member States accept invoices in paper or electronic form. […]

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Top 3 Myths Surrounding VAT Compliance and Reporting Solution Implementation

With vast changes in VAT compliance and reporting regulations sweeping across the globe, companies need to strategically evaluate their approach to compliance to ensure they stay up-to-date and minimize the risk of errors, fines, penalties and even operational shutdowns. But companies often overlook an important component in selecting a proactive, intelligent approach to VAT compliance […]

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Key Lessons from Spain’s SII Requirement as Updates Loom

With implementation of technology-enabled tax compliance and reporting initiatives, Spain is leading the way throughout Europe not only in closing the VAT gap but also in obtaining visibility into business data. As more and more countries move toward requiring transactional data in real-time, most notably Italy and Hungary, it’s important for companies to consider lessons […]

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Answered: What Does The “Acuse de Recibo” in Colombia Mean For Your Business?

Most countries that impose an eInvoicing mandate require taxpayers to report not only issued invoices, but also eInvoices received from their suppliers. With Colombia’s eInvoicing requirement reaching all taxpayers by January 1, 2019, and many prior to that date, companies operating in Colombia are asking whether the country is following this same pattern. Inbound eInvoicing: […]

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Singapore Announces a Nationwide Framework for B2B E-Invoicing

Singapore was one of the early adopters of e-invoicing in the Asia Pacific region. Since 2008, e-invoicing has been mandated for all e-invoicing business to government (B2G) transactions. But, when it comes to B2B e-invoicing in Singapore – as a country with a legal system based on common law – has until now focused mainly […]

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South Dakota vs. Wayfair – Answers to Your Online Sales Tax Questions

Last Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in South Dakota vs. Wayfair which challenges a precedent most recently articulated in the 1992 case of Quill vs. North Dakota. Quill affirmed that a business must be physically present (loosely defined as people or property) in a state before it can be compelled to collect and […]

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eAssessments Shift Tax Power to Governments

Several nations worldwide are following in the footsteps of pioneering Latin American countries, leveraging data and automation to ensure compliance with tax regulations. Building on early requirements for VAT reporting and eFiling, many countries are now focusing on transactional data with real-time electronic accounting, ledger, invoice and receipt mandates, paving the way to reach the […]

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Sovos Partners with Magento Commerce to Accurately Determine Sales Tax and Improve Filing Processes for Merchants

As a Magento Select Technology Partner, Sovos will help streamline sales and use tax compliance for rapidly growing e-commerce businesses of all sizes. April 20, 2018 — Sovos, a global tax compliance and reporting software leader, announced today that it has been named a Magento Select Technology Partner to improve sales tax determination and filing […]

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Sovos Announces Gold Level Sponsorship of SuiteWorld18

Sovos, a global leader in tax compliance and regulatory reporting software, today announced it will be a Gold-level sponsor at SuiteWorld18, an annual celebration of NetSuite customers and partners. Now in its 8th year, SuiteWorld is the preeminent Cloud ERP conference where users, partners, and developers can share insights and new ideas about growth across […]

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Italy Obtains EU Approval on Plan to Roll Out Mandatory E-Invoicing

On 27 September 2017, Italy submitted a formal request for derogation from two provisions in the European Union VAT Directive – a formal hurdle and legal necessity to be able to roll out the ambitious e-invoicing mandate for all domestic Italian invoices. While waiting for the decision from the EU Council, Italy proceeded with legal […]

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Preguntas y Respuestas: Colombia ordena a los grandes contribuyentes que cumplan con la facturación electrónica antes del 1 de septiembre de 2018

La Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN) emitió una nueva resolución 000010/2018 el 6 de febrero que requiere que los grandes contribuyentes emitan y presenten facturas electrónicas antes del 1 de septiembre de 2018. En Colombia, esta resolución era esperada ya que la DIAN había emitido un borrador de la misma en el último […]

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Respuesta a: ¿Qué significa para su empresa el “acuse de recibo” en Colombia?

La mayoría de los países que imponen un mandato de facturación electrónica requieren que los contribuyentes informen no solo las facturas emitidas, sino también las facturas electrónicas recibidas por parte de sus proveedores. Dado que el requisito de facturación electrónica de Colombia llega a todos los contribuyentes antes del 1 de enero de 2019 y […]

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