
Turkey How Tax Technology is Improving Company Efficiency
Turkey: How Tax Technology is Improving Company Efficiency

Digital transformation will continue to be a business priority for years to come. Efficiency is still one of the primary issues that companies want to improve and the digitization of many business processes is helping to increase efficiency, reduce errors and ensure compliance. Technology is helping to transform departments, including tax. The benefits of tax […]

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Indonesia’s CTC System
Indonesia’s CTC System is Maturing

E-invoice, locally known as e-Faktur was the Indonesian tax administration’s breakthrough reform in the field of tax control. It was introduced in 2014 and became effective nationally in July 2016. Indonesia previously experienced challenges in its tax control system, mainly due to fictitious invoices that caused a large tax gap, with a negative impact to […]

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Brexit Tax Myths
Brexit Myth Busting: Separating the Fact From Fiction for All Things Tax

There is a plethora of misinformation and misconceptions surrounding Brexit and tax. The aim of this blog is to dispel such myths and clear up any confusion. We will dig deeper into news stories to explain the facts and keep you informed. Brexit Myth 1 – Brexit’s unique taxation regime for EU imports The story: […]

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OECD on Digital Service Tax: What’s Ahead for 2021?
OECD on Digital Service Tax: What’s Ahead for 2021?

The challenge of how to fairly tax the digital economy was identified in the OECD’s BEPS initiative as ‘Action 1: Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy’. The standard rules in place today do not capture certain business models that make profits from digital services in a country without being physically present. This has […]

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CJEU Rules on Conditions for VAT Refund
CJEU Rules on Conditions for VAT Refund

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that Member States must accept, as formally submitted, VAT refund requests that contain invoice identifiers other than sequential invoice numbers. In case C-346/19 (Judgment of 17 December 2020), an Austrian taxpayer’s VAT Refund application was rejected by Germany’s Federal Central Tax Office, on the […]

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How Ireland’s VAT Regime is Changing
How Ireland’s VAT Regime is Changing

As a result of Brexit, COVID-19, and the Finance Act 2020, the VAT regime in Ireland has and will continue to undergo numerous changes. Highlights of these changes are outlined below. Postponed Accounting and Reporting Changes Beginning in January all taxpayers have the ability to apply postponed VAT accounting to their imports from outside the […]

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China Expands B2B E-invoicing Pilot
China Expands B2B E-Invoicing Pilot

In December, the expansion of China’s B2B e-invoicing pilot program, that enables certain taxpayers to voluntarily issue VAT special electronic invoices, was announced by China’s State Taxation Administration (STA). These e-invoices can be used to claim input VAT so are generally used for B2B purposes whereas VAT general invoices cannot so are commonly used for […]

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What to Consider When Changing E-Transformation Service Provider in Turkey
What to Consider When Changing E-Transformation Service Provider in Turkey

In today’s business world, it’s common for companies to use third party providers. This includes for activities such as regulatory integrations, with organizations using third parties to assist with the processing and submitting of electronic records in Turkey including e-invoice, e-ledger, e-arşiv invoice and e-delivery note on behalf of the taxpayer in compliance with the […]

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South Korea: E-invoicing and Self-Billing Invoices

Update: 8 March 2023  South Korea has recently approved a tax reform which introduces several measures for 2023, among which is the possibility of issuance of self-billing tax invoices. This tax reform amends the current VAT law to allow the purchaser to issue invoices for the supply of goods and services. However, this will only […]

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How the EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement Affects Business

The EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA) was finally agreed on 24 December 2020. A week before the end of the transition period. Fully implemented into UK law, but the TCA remains provisional. It needs to be ratified in the European Parliament. Therefore it applies on a provisional basis until 28 February 2021. The TCA […]

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How Technology can Help Businesses and Governments Measure and Mitigate the Impact of Covid-19
How Technology Can Help Businesses and Governments Measure and Mitigate the Impact of Covid-19

Technology can help businesses and governments measure and mitigate the impact of Covid-19. With further waves and recessions biting, technology offers an unparalleled opportunity for governments and business alike to gain a clearer picture of the current panorama. Digital tax returns and real-time or near-real time reporting offer up-to-date financial insight and many tax authorities […]

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European Commission Proposal of VAT Reforms for Financial and Insurance Services Explained
European Commission Proposal of VAT Reforms for Financial and Insurance Services Explained

We recently shared news of the European Commission (EC) opening a feedback period concerning an initiative to review VAT rules for financial and insurance services. The feedback period has now ended, and a public consultation period is set for the first quarter of 2021. The consultation will gather stakeholders’ views on the current VAT treatment […]

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Trends: Previewing the Four Tax Compliance Mega-Trends Facing Multinational Companies

We recently launched the 12th Edition of our Annual Trends Report. We put a spotlight on current and near-term legal requirements across regions and VAT compliance domains.  The report, “VAT Trends: Toward Continuous Transaction Controls” is authored by a team of international tax compliance experts and provides a comprehensive look at the regulatory landscape as […]

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VAT E-Commerce Package – The One Stop Shop (OSS)

The European Union’s VAT E-Commerce Package has been delayed until 1 July 2021. Consequently, in the New Year businesses will have to contend with both Brexit related VAT changes and the impact of the One Stop Shop – amounting to two new set of rules for VAT reporting in 2021. Treatment of B2C goods and […]

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Goods and Services Post-Brexit – Supply Chain Planning
Goods and Services Post-Brexit – Supply Chain Planning

To help businesses understand the impact of Brexit, we’ve cover the essential considerations for supply chain planning in this blog. Goods and services in 2021 The treatment of goods moving between Great Britain and the EU will change significantly from 1 January 2021. Exports and imports will apply to GB-EU trade, replacing the concept of […]

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Will Poland Beat France in the Race to CTC?

The Polish Ministry of Finance announced a timeline for its plans to introduce a Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) scheme, with a roll-out to start in a year’s time from now. Earlier this year, ministry officials described their intention to introduce an Italian-style clearance e-invoicing system, however since then, not much has been announced in terms […]

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Audio Blog: VAT Trends: Toward Continuous Transaction Controls Part Two

Today we will be concluding our preview of the upcoming release of the 12th edition of the Sovos Trends in Continuous Global VAT Compliance report. Hear from Christiaan Van der Valk as he jumps back in: 1.     In your opinion, when is the right time for businesses considering major platform upgrades to involve tax? What […]

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Audio Blog: VAT Trends: Toward Continuous Transaction Controls Part One

Today we will be previewing the upcoming release of the 12th edition of the Sovos Trends in Continuous Global VAT Compliance report.  In this episode of the Sovos Expert Series, Harriet Vivian sits down with Sovos’ VP of Strategy, Christiaan Van Der Valk as he digs into what the Trends Report will look like this […]

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