
Total Control: Three Ways Global Tax Administrations Are Cracking Down on VAT Liability (Part II: Brazil)

In this article, we turn our focus to the second and most widely used system – ex-ante and real-time invoice validation. In our previous blog, we began discussing how certain tax administrations are implementing new processes to ensure VAT compliance. These tax authorities, of course, want the money they are owed as soon as possible […]

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1099 Updates: April 1- April 15

Regulatory and legislative updates to 1099 form requirements that took place in recent weeks. Individual states and the IRS introduce new 1099 form requirements and changes to existing legislation on a frequent basis. Sovos documents each of these updates in its Taxport Compass portal to arm clients with the most current and accurate information and […]

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Germany Releases FATCA Schema Files & Guidance

Germany’s BZSt released both FATCA schema files (XSD files are provided in the [zip file|]), and guidance ([Communications Manual Part III, version 2.0|]). Both provide important information on how to properly create FATCA returns. Information about the releases can be found in the latest [Infobrief|]. In addition, Germany published guidance on notifications (“[Verarbeitungsprotokolle FATCA|]”), and […]

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SSA Releases 2017 Draft Form W-2 and Form W-2c Specifications

SSA has released Draft Form W-2 and Form W-2c Specifications for TY2017 Reporting. There are a number of changes from the previous revisions of the two form specifications. Form W-2 Changes Form W-2 has a new box 12 Code FF money field, Permitted Benefits Under a Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (Code FF), and […]

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Pennsylvania Issues Revised SUT-17-001 for Software Support Services

On April 4, 2017, the Pennsylvania DOR revised SUT 17 001 to more narrowly define taxable software support services, stating that training and consulting services were not included unless the services otherwise met the definition of support. Generally, support services were defined to include “identifying the source of problems affecting the usability of the property […]

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Belgium Updates CRS Business Rules and Example Scenarios

The Belgium Ministry of Finance recently published updated Business Rules and Example Scenarios to aid financial institutions in creating compliant CRS XML files for reporting purposes. These most recent updates include changes to important elements critical to a successful transmittal. The Business Rules, which lay out the multitude of requirements for each field in an […]

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West Virginia Has New Guidance on Business Registration

West Virginia’s State Tax Department has released a new publication TSD-100, “West Virginia Business Taxes.” The publication provides guidance to Business who need to register for business tax purposes. The six page document is merely instructive and does not function as a legal document. The last time West Virginia published a similar document was November, […]

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OECD Publishes Guidelines on Taxation of Services and Intangible Goods

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in newly-published 2017 Guidelines for VAT/GST, has opined on how they believe VAT should be assessed on services and intangibles. Their primary recommendations are that countries adopt regimes which: 1. Tax services and intangibles at the place of consumption; 2. Tax business-to-business (B2B) transactions at the location […]

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Compliant Archiving Post #4: A Primer on Invoice Scanning in France

Earlier this year we reported about the legal status and trends regarding scanning of inbound paper invoices in Europe. One of the topics raised in that post was that France was in the midst of legal reform in this area: for some time the French framework entirely prohibited the concept of conversion of form for […]

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IRS Releases Updated Publication 1281, Backup Withholding For Missing and Incorrect Name/TIN(S)

The IRS has released an updated version of Publication 1281, Backup Withholding For Missing and Incorrect Name/TIN(S). There are a couple of changes from the previous revision: • Form 1099-G payments made under IRC 6041 and 3406(b)(3)(A), which include taxable grants and agricultural payments, are now subject to backup withholding o New code for the […]

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AEOI Updates: March 25 – April 7

Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) legislation is constantly evolving worldwide as the standard is rolled out around the world. The Sovos research team continually monitors new regulations and updates across the globe and publishes them in our Taxport Compass tool. Here are some important changes that occurred in recent weeks: Cayman Island Publishes List of […]

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Tension Escalates as CRS Deadlines on the Horizon

Paul Banker, General Manager – Sovos Compliance, attended a meeting of Working Party No. 10 on Exchange of Information and Tax Compliance, as a member of the CRS Business Advocacy group that works with the OECD on the automatic exchange of information (AEOI). ‘Roles are now at stake’ in financial institutions around the world as […]

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Alabama’s Back to School Sales Tax Holiday Comes Early

Alabama has recently enacted legislation that permanently changes the date of the state’s Back to School Sales Tax Holiday. The Alabama Sales Tax Holiday, which has traditionally been held during the first weekend of August, will now take place during the third weekend of July. For more information, visit the DOR’s Web site.

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Business finance advisors reviewing charts and graphs using tablet
Compliance Challenges for ”Legacy B2C” E-Commerce Solutions Moving into B2B

We are seeing a lot of vendor scope evolution on the market. Examples include EDI vendors that are developing business network-style services; another one is that platforms focused on procurement of indirect supplies are moving into strategic sourcing and vice versa. A trend that receives less attention from analysts and specialized press is the journey […]

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New Jersey Passes Sales Tax Exemption for Limousine Services

New Jersey’s limousine industry won a major legislative battle on February 10, 2017, when Governor Chris Christie signed into a law a bill eliminating sales tax on intra-state limousine services. The tax had been in force since 2006, surviving several challenges in the state legislature. It will officially be phased out on May 1, 2017. […]

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Large Challenges Await Financial Institutions: An Interview with Corinna Hedtke, Standard Chartered Bank

Financial institutions (FIs) will face major challenges when preparing for the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Among the most significant of these will be compiling and organizing their data at the risk of failing to achieve compliance and suffering from damaged reputations. According to Corinna Hedtke, Senior Manager for Client Tax Information Compliance, Europe at Standard […]

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Singapore Releases Nil Return Form

Singapore’s Inland Revenue Authority has released a paper form that Reporting Financial Institutions may use to file a nil report. Nil reports are required whenever an FI does not have any U.S. Reportable Accounts. A Singaporean FI may elect to file an electronic nil through the IDES Gateway, as it would a typical FATCA return. […]

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Singapore Amends CRS Regulations

New regulations came into effect this week for CRS in Singapore. The Minister for Finance has published Amendments the last year’s Regulations. Many of the Amendments concern due diligence procedures, including the self-certification process. Singapore is a late adopter. Financial Institutions are required to complete the due diligence procedures this year, and then report in […]

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