Regulatory Analysis

Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
France Outlines New Requirements for Accounting Software

Under a new measure that enters into force on January 1, 2018, VAT taxpayers will be required to use only “secured and certified ” software accounting systems when recording customer payments. To be “secured and certified,” accounting systems must meet specified requirements of inalterability, security, retention, and archival prowess. The French tax administration is authorized […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
United Kingdom: Publication of VAT Notes 2017

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has published Issue 1 of VAT Notes 2017, a newsletter providing VAT guidance to tax professionals. The current issue contains links to recently-published or revised HMRC notices, information on special schemes for alcohol and tobacco transactions, and a link to HMRC’s online VAT services. Four issues of “VAT Notes” […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
France Issues Decree on VAT Representatives

France has recently published a decree on the obligations of foreign taxpayers to appoint a VAT representative. The decree amends a list of countries that have signed tax recovery assistance treaties with France. Foreign taxpayers established in the listed countries are not required to appoint a VAT representative to manage their VAT obligations in France. […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
Germany Implements Simplified VAT Deduction for Low-Value Invoices

Germany has passed a new law, retroactively effective to January 1, 2017, to simplify input VAT deduction procedures for low-value purchases (“invoices for small amounts”). Under Section 15 of the German VAT Act, input VAT deductions can only be claimed by recipients of invoices that meet standardized requirements – for instance, recipient information must be […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
United Kingdom Continues Brexit Preparations

The first Brexit negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union have officially been scheduled for June 19. In preparation, the 27 remaining Member States have unanimously agreed on a set of guidelines that prioritize safeguarding the rights of EU citizens within the UK and obtaining a ‘single financial settlement’ for outstanding British contributions to common […]

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Posted April 21, 2017 by Sovos
Europe: ECOFIN Debates VAT Modifications

The Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the European Union (ECOFIN) recently discussed two hot-button topics that could ultimately lead to changes in European VAT law. First, ECOFIN discussed whether Member States should be allowed to reduce-rate electronic publications. This option already exists for ‘physical’ books, newspapers, magazines, and the like, but EU authorities have […]

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Posted April 19, 2017 by Sovos
United Kingdom: Prime Minister Proposes “Snap” General Election

Prime Minister Theresa May has called for an early general election on June 8, claiming it’s the only way to guarantee certainty and stability in Brexit negotiations. The Prime Minister’s Conservative Party is currently polling far ahead of the opposition Labour Party, and her clear hope is that Conservatives will gain enough seats in Parliament […]

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Posted April 13, 2017 by Sovos
OECD Publishes Guidelines on Taxation of Services and Intangible Goods

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in newly-published 2017 Guidelines for VAT/GST, has opined on how they believe VAT should be assessed on services and intangibles. Their primary recommendations are that countries adopt regimes which: 1. Tax services and intangibles at the place of consumption; 2. Tax business-to-business (B2B) transactions at the […]

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Posted April 13, 2017 by Sovos
Belgium Updates CRS Business Rules and Example Scenarios

The Belgium Ministry of Finance recently published updated Business Rules and Example Scenarios to aid financial institutions in creating compliant CRS XML files for reporting purposes. These most recent updates include changes to important elements critical to a successful transmittal. The Business Rules, which lay out the multitude of requirements for each field in an […]

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Posted March 30, 2017 by Sovos
GST Bills Pass in India’s Lower House

The four bills that would implement the long-awaited Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India have taken their first step towards enactment, passing India’s lower house of parliament (the Lok Sabha) on March 29, 2017. The State of Jammu and Kashmir is notably excluded from the scope of one of the bills, the Integrated Goods […]

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Posted March 29, 2017 by Sovos
“Brexit” Officially Invoked

The United Kingdom took the long-anticipated first formal step towards officially leaving the European Union when on March 29, the UK Envoy to the EU hand delivered the “Article 50 Letter” to the EU Council President. As of today, the clock begins ticking on a 2 year window in which the UK can negotiate its […]

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Posted March 29, 2017 by Sovos
Tax Reform Proposals in Brazil – The VAT Alternative

The Brazilian government is considering several proposals to reform their indirect tax system, widely considered to be one of the most complex in the world. One such proposal is being crafted by the Special Commission on Tax Reform within the Chamber of Representatives. The Commission is proposing the introduction of a value added tax to […]

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Posted March 29, 2017 by Sovos
Tax Reform Proposals in Brazil – The Presidential Plan

The Brazilian government is considering several proposals to reform their indirect tax system, widely considered to be one of the most complex in the world. One of those proposals, offered by the Brazilian President, suggests a significant tax overhaul to take place over multiple stages. Stage 1, slated for June, would involve a simplification of […]

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