
EESPA Standard: E-Invoicing Compliance Definitions and Responsibility Allocation Framework

EESPA, the European E-invoicing Service Providers Association, recently published EESPA Standard Definitions for Legally Compliant Electronic Invoicing and their usage. This document aims to provide a basis for e-invoicing service providers and their customers to agree on allocation of responsibility of the legal compliance of processes supported by the services. These standard definitions will contribute […]

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The Four Tax Reporting Trends SAP Customers Need to Know (2)
The Four Tax Reporting Trends SAP Customers Need to Know

The digitization of tax authorities has come a long way since its beginnings in 2003. Tax administrations have realised the benefits that technology can bring to VAT reporting. Countries around the world have adopted continuous transaction controls (CTCs) and e-invoicing, with new tax administrations joining the trend every year. There are four trends that all […]

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sales tax engine cloud
The Importance of Cloud-Based Technologies in E-Transformation Processes

Digital transformation continues to evolve and develop, introducing new solutions and cloud technologies for enterprises around the world. These technologies provide flexibility, agility and reduce operational costs for the companies. Advantages of cloud-based technologies Moving to cloud-based technologies provides many advantages including quality, increased efficiency, and profitability. It’s important to work with a service provider […]

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The Rise of Continuous Transaction Controls in Eastern Europe
The Rise of Continuous Transaction Controls in Eastern Europe

We’ve recently seen several Eastern European countries begin their journey of implementing continuous transaction controls (CTC) as an efficient tool for combating tax fraud and reducing the VAT gap. The CTC frameworks may vary in nature, scope and implementation, but they all have one thing in common: an ambition to achieve operational efficiency for businesses […]

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Oman Introduces VAT System

The Sultanate of Oman has imposed a Value Added Tax from 16 April 2021. The VAT system is scheduled to be implemented in phases, with businesses required to register for VAT at different points over the next year based on their turnover. Turnover Mandatory Registration Deadline Effective Date of Registration Greater than 1,000,000 OMR March […]

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Audio Blog: EU E-Commerce VAT Package: All Wrapped Up in 5 minutes

EU VAT E-commerce VAT package: the basics The European Union’s VAT e-commerce package is scheduled to come in to force 1 July 2021 to reduce admin burdens and increase efficiency. Your business needs to assess it’s current processes to determine how the changes will affect you. In this episode of the Sovos Expert Series, Andy […]

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Aerial view of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Audio Blog: Brazil E-Invoicing: New Rules on NF-e Invoices

Brazil E-Invoicing: New rules on NF-e invoices  Although Brazil is known for its complex tax laws that make compliance a difficult task in the country, it is undeniable that the Continuous Transaction Control (CTC) system implemented more than a decade ago is one of the most stable in the world.   However, even a sophisticated […]

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Understanding Mexico’s Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2021 and its Modifications (Part II)
Understanding Mexico’s Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2021 and its Modifications (Part II)

Mexico’s Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution (MFR) for 2021 includes a number of changes, the first of which you can read about in our previous blog on the subject. In this blog we will discuss the approved specific technical modifications related to the validations Authorised Certification Providers (PACs) should make to electronic invoices sent to them for […]

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A Brief History of VAT Digitization and the VAT Gap

VAT accounts for 15-40% of all public revenue globally. We estimate that the global VAT gap – i.e. lost VAT revenue due to errors and fraud – could be as high as half a trillion Euros. The GDP of countries like Norway, Austria or Nigeria are at a similar level and this VAT gap is […]

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What is the Tax Fallout from Brexit? 3 Questions for 3 Experts

Brexit continues to create a stir and the only absolute is that confusion dwarfs certainty when it comes to understanding the new tax laws that went into effect when Brexit became a reality. To address some of the more pressing questions, we gathered three industry experts for a webinar to provide some clarity into this […]

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norway vat 2022
Norway’s New 2022 VAT Return: Detailed and Digital

The Norwegian tax authority’s project for modernising VAT, the MEMO-project, has announced a new digital VAT return. It will take effect from the beginning of 2022 following a pilot program in August this year. This new VAT return seeks to provide simplification in reporting, better administration, and improved compliance in the VAT system. Currently VAT […]

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managing e-transformation project
How to Manage E-Transformation Projects When Deadlines are Set by Government Agencies

When managing any e-transformation project the deadline is determined after careful planning. It should be based on the project scope and consider the available resources. However, when the project is to ensure regulatory compliance, the government determines the project’s deadline and it must be met. Many taxpayers choose to work with an external integrator to […]

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gazt saudi arabia e-invoicing
Saudi Arabia Publishes Draft Rules for E-Invoicing

The General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) has published draft rules for the controls, requirements, technical specifications and procedural rules for implementing the provisions of the e-invoicing regulation. In addition to the draft rules, the associated technical specifications (Electronic Invoice Data Dictionary, Electronic Invoice XML Implementation Standard and Electronic Invoice Security Implementation Standards) are […]

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Possible Consequences of not Reviewing Contracts Post-Brexit
Possible Consequences of Not Reviewing Contracts Post-Brexit

Given the complexity of international VAT and the potential risk, pitfalls and associated costs, finance directors face a predicament. Unlike direct taxes, which tend to be retrospectively determined, VAT is effectively calculated in real-time. It’s linked to various aspects of the supply chain. If the related transaction has incorrect VAT calculations or erroneous codes, these […]

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Understanding Mexico’s Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2021 and its Modifications (Part I)

Mexico introduced changes to the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution (MFR) this year. The Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution is a group of regulations issued by the Mexican tax administration (SAT). The regulations contain the official interpretations of the rules enacted for the application of the taxes, levies and related obligations applicable to taxpayers in Mexico. The MFR is […]

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How the World can Meet the Post COVID-19 Automation Challenge
How the World Can Meet the Post COVID-19 Automation Challenge

It’s good to see light at the end of the tunnel. Nonetheless, it’s too little, too late for many smaller – but also plenty of larger – companies. Thousands couldn’t weather the storm because they were particularly dependent on human contact. Others were affected disproportionally simply because COVID-19 hit them just as they traversed a […]

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UK’s Making Tax Digital – 1 April Brings End to Soft Landing Period
UK’s Making Tax Digital – 1 April Brings End to Soft Landing Period

Since April 2019, the UK has required the submission of VAT returns and the storage of VAT records to be completed in accordance with the requirements of its Making Tax Digital (MTD) regulations. One of these requirements is that data transfer between software programs be achieved through ‘digital links.’ This requirement was initially waived during […]

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Sovos Strengthens Complete, Connected Tax Compliance in Brazil with Latest Acquisition

For businesses headquartered or operating in Brazil, the constantly shifting Nota Fiscal compliance regulations are a well-known pain point. The Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital (SPED) reporting rules debuted in 2008 to digitize paper invoices and records, and the rules continue to change frequently, creating complexity and risk. These difficulties are deepened for businesses that […]

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