
SMBs are Experiencing Employee Burnout at a Rapid Rate Due to Sales Tax Management

No company wants a focus on managing sales tax to distract them from their primary business objectives. But it’s a mandatory part of business that can be particularly daunting for SMBs that lack the necessary time and resources to keep pace with the complexities of sales tax. With over 12,000 U.S. tax jurisdictions that are […]

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Don’t Let Tax Be An Inhibitor to Sales in 2022

Managing sales tax doesn’t have to be a complicated, overwhelming and time-consuming process. Assuming of course that you properly evaluate your internal capabilities, existing technology and varying levels of expertise correctly. With thousands of tax regulations that can change at a moment’s notice, it can seem a nearly impossible task for businesses to remain compliant. […]

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VAT in the Digital Age A Single EU VAT Registration
VAT in the Digital Age: A Single EU VAT Registration

In 2020, the European Commission (EC) adopted a four-year plan to develop a fairer and simpler taxation framework. The Action Plan aspires to tighten up the tax system, ensure that digital platforms are made to follow transparency rules and utilise data better, reducing tax fraud and evasion. In 2021, the Commission implemented e-commerce changes – […]

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Customs Changes for Imports from the European Union into the UK
Customs Changes for Imports from the European Union into the UK

Whilst the UK leaving the European Union (EU) on 31 December 2020 seems like a long time ago, UK businesses still have to deal with changes to the processes in place when importing goods from suppliers in the EU. Customs Declarations Throughout 2021, goods imported into Great Britain from the EU were subject to several […]

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Origin of Goods – Claiming Relief on Trade Between the EU and UK
Origin of Goods – Claiming Relief on Trade Between the EU and UK

The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) provides for tariff-free trade between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) but does not work in the same way as when the UK was part of the EU. Before Brexit, if the goods were in free circulation within the EU, they could be moved cross-border […]

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Vietnam E-invoicing Roll-Out in July 2022
Vietnam: E-invoicing Roll-Out in July 2022

During the last decade, the Vietnamese government has been developing a feasible solution to reduce VAT fraud in the country by adopting an e-invoice requirement for companies carrying out economic activities in Vietnam. Finally, on 1 July 2022, a mandatory e-invoicing requirement is scheduled to enter into force nationwide. 2020 e-invoicing mandate postponement  Despite the […]

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Turkey Expands Scope of E-Documents (1)
Turkey Expands Scope of E-Documents

Towards the end of 2021, the tax authority in Turkey published a draft communique that expands the scope of e-documents in Turkey. After minor revisions, the draft communique was enacted and published in the Official Gazette on 22 January 2022. Let’s take a closer look at the changes in the scope of Turkish e-documents. Scope […]

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Form 1042-S tax reporting
More Changes to Form 1042-S

No matter the size of the business, the tax season kicked off this past month with tax reporting professionals tackling the massive task of issuing and filing annual 1099s, W-2s, and other tax returns by January 31st. When January is in the rear-view mirror, businesses will turn to the next hurdle of 2022 tax reporting season; annual reporting of Form 1042-S […]

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The Rise of E-Transport Documents
The Rise of E-Transport Documents

The number of continuous transaction controls (CTC) jurisdictions worldwide is increasing at a high speed. What’s equally interesting to note is a parallel development: countries that already have CTCs in place are expanding the scope of their CTC regimes by introducing new obligations around related document types, notably for transport documents. We are witnessing a […]

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New European Union Reduced VAT Rates Approved
New European Union Reduced VAT Rates Approved

The EU Council approved a proposed directive to amend rules governing reduced VAT rates at the ECOFIN meeting held on 7 December 2021. The new rules grant EU Member States more options and flexibility in determining the reduced VAT rates to apply to certain goods and services through amendments to the EU VAT Directive. New […]

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How to Manage VAT Changes
How to Manage VAT Changes

In our previous blog, we completed the compliance cycle with tax authority audits. However, that’s not the end of the challenges businesses face in remaining compliant in the countries where they have VAT obligations. VAT rules and regulations change as do a business’s supply chains – these need to be carefully reviewed and appropriate action […]

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How to Prepare for a VAT Audit
How to Prepare for a VAT Audit

In our previous blog, we looked at the challenges that businesses face in submitting VAT and other declarations on an ongoing basis. However, the compliance cycle doesn’t end there as tax authorities will carry out audits for a variety of reasons to validate declarations. Why do tax authorities carry out audits? When VAT returns consisted […]

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Norway – 2022 Digital VAT Return Coming Soon
Norway – 2022 Digital VAT Return Coming Soon

As we inch closer to the implementation date of 1 January 2022 for Norway’s new digitized VAT return, let’s take a second look at the details. Norway announced its intentions to introduce a new digital VAT return in late 2020, with an intended launch date of 1 January 2022. With this update comes the removal […]

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Turkey Expands Scope of E-Documents
Turkey Expands Scope of E-Documents

The Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) published a Draft Communique that includes significant changes to the Tax Procedure Law General Communique No. 509, which initially aimed to unify all e-document regulations when it was published in October 2019. With the Draft Communique, the TRA will lower the current gross sales revenue threshold for mandatory e-fatura and […]

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Filing VAT Returns and Other Obligations

In our previous blog, we looked at how businesses can determine their obligations when they’re registered for VAT in other countries. We will now focus on what is required to meet those obligations. Submitting VAT returns The VAT return is the most obvious declaration that has to be submitted although as we highlighted in our […]

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Germany B2B e-invoicing
Germany: Mandatory B2B E-Invoicing

Update: 25 June 2024 by Dilara İnal Ministry Publishes Draft Guideline on B2B E-Invoicing The German Ministry of Finance (MoF) released a draft guideline on 13 June 2024, detailing the upcoming B2B e-invoicing mandate which will roll out on 1 January 2025. Although the current law only obliges taxpayers to issue and receive e-invoices for […]

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Understanding VAT Obligations When Organising European Events (1)
Understanding VAT Obligations When Organising European Conferences and Events

Regardless of where the event, conference or exhibition is held, there will be VAT obligations to be met. For event organisers, understanding these VAT requirements is key as failure to do so will not only impact profit margins but may also result in late payments and possible penalties. VAT on conferences and events If your […]

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Understanding E-Commerce Tax Legislation in Asia Pacific
Understanding E-Commerce Tax Legislation in Asia Pacific

The global e-commerce market continues to transform in today’s digital world. E-commerce transactions consist of a variety of digital services and products such as software, applications, streaming media, web hosting, online advertising, e-books, online newspapers, and various others. From an indirect tax perspective, nations across the globe apply destination-based VAT and GST legislation to these […]

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