Italy: Pre-Filled VAT Returns for Certain Taxpayers

Inês Carvalho
February 10, 2023

From the 10th of February 2023, the Italian Revenue Agency will make available a pre-filled annual VAT return concerning the tax year of 2022. The Italian Revenue Agency will use the data of domestic electronic invoices and cross-border reports communicated to the SDI to prepare the draft VAT returns.

The returns will be available on an experimental basis to certain resident and established taxpayers, who can edit and add information to the pre-filled returns.

The recently published announcement no. 9652/2023 determined the extension of the experimental period – which regarding VAT ledgers and quarterly VAT returns had started in 2021 – through to 2023 as well as increased the scope of taxpayers included in the project.

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Inês Carvalho

Inês Carvalho is a Senior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos, specializing in Value Added Tax (VAT) compliance and global e-invoicing trends. Inês holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law and a Master’s in Company Law from Universidade Católica Portuguesa, having worked as a tax consultant at EY Portugal and as registered tax lawyer.
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