The Chilean Internal Revenue Service (SII) recently published version 4.00 of the document describing the format of electronic tickets for Sales and Services.

The electronic ticket (or Boleta Electrónica) is an electronic receipt issued for the sale of goods or services to individuals, consumers or end users.

The document includes basic information about the transaction, such as:

The electronic ticket is for less formal, business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions and is subject to less rigorous reporting requirements than electronic invoices (Factura Electrónica). It is often used for smaller transactions, such as retail purchases or services rendered to individuals.

Who is required to issue electronic tickets?

Businesses must use certified invoicing software to generate electronic tickets. These software solutions need to be approved by the Chilean tax authority, the Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII).

The generated electronic invoices must be digitally signed using an electronic signature to ensure their authenticity and integrity.

Taxpayers authorised as issuers of electronic tickets must digitally send all the electronic tickets issued and generated to the SII. These should follow the Technical Instructions provided in Annex 1 of Resolution 74 of 2020, and any future updates.

What’s required in an electronic ticket?

In accordance with the Technical Instructions, the electronic ticket must contain the following information:

After generating the electronic tickets, businesses submit them to the SII. Since the SII must validate both the XML format of the document and its electronic signature, the SII has established a limit of 500 ballots per batch.

How electronic tickets can help businesses

On the other side of the transaction, the recipient of an electronic ticket can access and verify the invoice through the SII’s online platform. They can accept or reject the invoice, which helps maintain transparency and accurate transactions.

The data generated by this electronic receipt system drives efficiency. For example, businesses can obtain important information, such as:

Businesses must maintain records for six years in the XML format established in version 4.00.

Non-compliance with the electronic invoicing requirements or submitting inaccurate information can lead to penalties. The SII has the authority to audit businesses to ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Need help for invoicing in Chile?

Are you in financial services or working at a bank with more questions about invoicing in Chile? Speak to our tax experts.

With the entry into force of resolutions SAT-DSI-1240-2021 and SAT-DSI-1350-2022, most taxpayers in the country are now obliged to issue electronic invoices under the Online Electronic Invoice System (Regimen de Factura Electronica en Linea – FEL).

The latest taxpayers to join the mandatory electronic billing system are include taxpayers incorporated into the General Value Added Tax (VAT) Regime and the group of natural and legal persons registered in the Small Taxpayer Regime.

With the addition of these last two groups, the Superintendence of Tax Administration of Guatemala (SAT) has practically completed the gradual process of incorporation into the country’s electronic invoicing regime.

Today, the general population should only accept FEL documents from obligated taxpayers. Paper invoices (preprinted) are no longer valid, making them unusable for transactions such as tax credit, among others.

The operating model and the rules applicable to the online electronic invoice of the Republic of Guatemala includes the issuance, transmission, certification, and preservation by electronic means of invoices, credit and debit notes, receipts, and other documents authorised by the Superintendence of Tax Administration, known as Electronic Tax Documents (DTE).

Electronic documents

The following tax documents are available for issuance under the Regimen de Factura Electronica en Linea – FEL:

Guatemala e-invoice issuance process

The Guatemalan system follows e-invoice clearance system, the well-established trend in LatAm countries. The clearance system means that the tax authority must authorise the electronic documents before the issuer is able to send them to the recipient.

The issuance process goes through the following mandatory steps:

  1. The taxpayer issues the document with an electronic signature, and it is sent to the certifier automatically.
  2. The certifier receives, validates, and authorises each document, which is automatically sent to the issuer and to the SAT.
  3. The issuer delivers the document to the receiver or client.
  4. The SAT verifies each electronic tax document and makes it available to the issuer and receiver for consultation and verification.


The SAT store all invoices. This does not exempt senders and receivers from keeping the XML file for the period of four years, established in the Tax Code. The certifiers are also obliged to keep the certified DTE files in XML format, as well as the respective acknowledgments of receipt from the SAT.


Now 98.23% of the total billing of the General VAT Regime is using FEL, with only around 20,000 businesses needing to migrate to the system since it was first launched in 2020.

Online e-invoices for all remaining VAT registered business will be mandatory from 1 April 2023 via the FEL.

Need help with e-invoicing in Guatemala?

Still have questions about e-invoicing in Guatemala? Speak to our tax experts.

Invoicing in Chile is changing on 1 December 2022. This is when resolution 66 from the Chile Internal Revenue Service comes into force.

This new regulation concerns organisations with foreign currency operations. Banks, stockbrokers, exchange houses and financial institutions are affected. Other intermediaries or entities that carry out foreign currency purchase and sale operations themselves or on behalf of third parties are also included.

All these organisations must issue the following:

How is invoicing in Chile changing?

Every electronic tax document must consider the specifications described by “Electronic Tax Document Format”. This document is available on the Internal Revenue Service’s website and is regularly updated.

What electronic information is required in Chile?

Resolution 66 also contains technical instructions. These establish the details necessary for electronic tax documents that support foreign currency purchase and sale operations.

The resolution states the following must be included:

There are other requirements not listed above, so it’s important to check the guidelines.

This change allows the Internal Revenue Service to receive, validate, and process electronic tax documents. This ensures the operations are accurately reflected and prevents inconsistencies.

More on rights, commissions and other charges in Chile

In the case of commissions, the taxpayer must issue an invoice or electronic ticket containing all the information indicated by the Technical Annex.

If the document doesn’t include an affected item, consider the following:

An example is when there is no commission.

Likewise, when differences in collections and values are ​​subject to VAT, an electronic credit or debit note must be issued.

The following information must be recorded separately as well:

  1. The total value of the instruments traded
  2. Value of commissions and charges, if any
  3. Total to be paid in favour of the client or total to be paid in favour of the company

Need help for invoicing in Chile?

Are you in financial services or working at a bank with more questions about invoicing in Chile? Speak to our tax experts.