DATE: 04/21/2021
TIME: 11am ET
DURATION: 60 mins + Q&A
While economic nexus thresholds are standard procedure for most US states these days, the taxability of software and digital products continues to vary across taxing jurisdictions.
Software and digital goods suppliers are left with questions about sales tax, including where do my digital products have special tax treatment? How do I handle sales tax when it comes to bundled products? Do I need to consider the delivery method when applying sales tax rates?
Experts from Sovos and Bennett Thrasher will answer those questions and discuss:
- The sales tax treatment of common digital goods and cloud computing models (SaaS, Paas and IaaS)
- Recent developments in specific states regarding the taxability of digital goods and services
- Special taxing considerations for software suppliers, including multiple points of use and product/service bundling
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