NetSuite 1099 Reporting is Better with Sovos

Sovos is the largest and most experienced private filer of 1099 forms filed to the IRS, with more than three decades of reporting experience. NetSuite’s longest-trusted tax partner, Sovos has more than 5,000 clients worldwide and is trusted by all of the “big four” accounting firms.

30+ states have released their own state-specific guidance on Form 1099-NEC

NetSuite discontinued its 1099 reporting capability and recommends Sovos as your future vendor.

As of NetSuite version 18.2, NetSuite no longer supports 1099 reporting functionality for tax year 2018 and beyond due to constant changes in regulatory requirements.

But NetSuite customers don’t need to panic. Fortunately, tracking and automating regulatory updates, as well as facilitating 1099 reporting efficiently and securely, is exactly what Sovos has done for years.

Knowing Sovos’ expertise in 1099 reporting, NetSuite recommends its customers use Sovos as their 1099 reporting solution. Sovos has created a bundle within NetSuite that offers integrated 1099 reporting capabilities.

Extensive 1099 reporting experience

Leading the industry with 100 percent successful client transitions

Providing easy-to-use solutions to keep processes streamlined

Mitigating risk and decreasing penalties through additional validations

1099 Reporting Capabilities

Relieve stress — we’ll stay on top of regulatory changes, so you don’t have to.

Instill peace of mind with a successful transition in 1099 reporting vendors.
Take control of compliance, freeing AP professionals from unwanted tasks and allowing them to play a more strategic role in the organization.
Streamline compliance-related tasks, bringing greater operational control and efficiency, and reduced costs.
Reduce risk by enabling your organization to move more nimbly in reaction to regulatory change.

How can you get Sovos 1099 reporting capabilities?

Case Study

The Attilio Group

By moving to NetSuite and Sovos, The Attilio Group saved employees valuable time and effort processing 1099 forms electronically for clients.