Mexico: The SAT published the standard and the error matrix of the Carta Porte Supplement version 2.0 Revision C, that is integrated into CFDI version 4.0
Among the main changes are:
- 4 service keys were incorporated into the additional validation of the CFDI ProdServ Key.
- The coexistence of the Carta Porte supplement was incorporated with the complements of “ImpuestosLocales” and “Leyendasfiscales” in the CP113.
- The validation referring to the field ” ToneladasNetasCarro ” was adjusted, to specify that the conversion of the value in kilograms of the field “PesoNetoMercancia” to tons must be carried out, in order to obtain the value of the field ” ToneladasNetasCarro” in the CP169.
- Additional validation was added to the “ObjetoImp” field, to indicate that in case the value 02 of the “c_ObjetoImp” catalog is registered, the corresponding taxes must be broken down at the concept level CP106.
- The validation of the “Receptor:Rfc” field is adjusted according to the updates of the Foreign Trade supplement CP107.
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