Italy: New API Management Platform

Carolina Silva
April 11, 2023

The Italian Tax Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate) will make available on the 15th May of 2023, a new platform for the provision of free services, via API, called API Management. This measure is part of an initiative to simplify administration and promote digital services, and it is aimed at an audience of users interested in integrating it into its own applications.

The following API services will be made available through the API Management platform:

  • Service for verifying the existence and validity of a codice fiscale, with the purpose of verifying the existence and correspondence between the codice fiscale and the personal data available in the tax registry.
  • Service for verifying the existence and validity of VAT numbers, with the purpose of providing the validity and activity status of the VAT number, and name/surname of the correspondent taxpayer.
    The services will be made available to users registered in the reserved area (Area Riservata) of the tax authority´s website, and depends on adherence to the general conditions of use published by the Tax Authority.

The provision of API services takes place according to the technical-operational methods by the Agency and made available through the website. The taxpayer services will be assigned according to the usage plan envisaged for the category of taxpayers to which they belong, which is predetermined by the tax authority according to criteria set out in the reserved area.

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Carolina Silva

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