The Kenyan Revenue Authority (KRA) has informed taxpayers that in the upcoming months it will become mandatory for businesses with revenues above 5 million Kenyan Schillings (Around 48,470 dollars) to use electronic tax registers that communicate sales data in real time to the tax authorities. The announcement comes after KRA started a successful pilot program […]
[August 9, 2019] Effective November 2, 2019, most taxpayers in Colombia will be required to transmit electronic invoices pursuant to the schema defined by Universal Business Language (UBL) Version 2.1. Specifically, the Colombian Tax Administration (DIAN) issued Resolution 000020/2019 establishing the schedule for complying with the new pre-clearance e-invoicing requirements and for upgrading to UBL […]
[May 20, 2019] The Colombian Tax Administration (DIAN) issued Resolution 000030 which provides comprehensive clarifications regarding taxpayer compliance with pre-validation of electronic invoices under UBL Version 2.1. This Resolution revokes Resolution 0001/2019 with the purpose of describing in detail, the new invoicing requirements that were not sufficiently explained or that were scattered across several other […]
The Colombian Tax Administration (DIAN) issued Resolution 000020/2019 establishing the schedule for complying with the new pre-clearance e-invoicing requirements and for upgrading to UBL schema version 2.1. This new resolution clarifies the confusion generated by previous resolutions as to effective dates. The deadline is defined by two alternate criteria: a) The type of economic activity […]
On November 1, 2018, Decree 119/2018/ND-CP took effect in Vietnam. Pursuant to this decree some businesses may be required to switch to e-invoicing upon notification by the tax authorities. However, e-invoicing will not be mandatory until November 1, 2020.
The Peruvian Tax Administration (SUNAT) published on October 15, 2018, regulation 242-2018/SUNAT, which establishes some new obligations to Operators of Electronic Services (OSEs) and also updates the sanctions for non-compliance when applicable. According to the new regulation, OSEs are now required to post in a web page the invoices that they have validated and make […]
Country-by-Country News The Final Countdown to Mandatory eInvoicing in Italy September 1 marked the second milestone of the entry into force of the Italian eInvoicing mandate – this time targeting certain B2C goods purchased by non-EU citizens over a certain amount. But crucially, it also marked the three month, or 122 day, countdown to the […]
The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department recently updated Publication FYI-102, Information for New Businesses. This publication contains information for business owners on how to register their businesses for taxation purposes with the Department, certain requirements relating to tax information reporting such as electronic filing requirements, and Department resources for new businesses. The main change […]
Under the Italian Budget Law for 2018, a general business to business and business to customer e-invoicing obligation will apply from January 1, 2019. Additionally, there will be an e-invoicing obligation for public subcontractors and for the supplies of petrol intended for use as motor fuel beginning on July 1, 2018. On April 30, 2018, […]
The Ecuadorean Tax Administration (SRI) has issued a new Resolution intended to expand the obligation to issue and report electronic invoices. Resolution NAC-DGERCGC18-00000191 establishes the following schedule defining the effective dates when the new taxpayers will need to start complying with the eInvoicing mandate: Group Effective Date Mandated Taxpayers 1 01 Nov 2018 All Importers […]
On April 16, 2018, the European Council approved Italy's derogation request from Articles 218 and 232 of the EU VAT Directive, bringing Italy one step closer to implementing its mandatory e-Invoicing requirement. Article 218 requires that Member States accept invoices in paper or electronic form. Article 232 provides that electronic invoice can only be used […]
The Director of the Dominican Tax Administration (DGII) announced that they will begin implementing an electronic invoicing (e-Invoicing) mandate, with a pilot study kicking off in January 2019. E-invoicing requirements vary from country to country and much of the relevant details on the Dominican approach are yet to be learned. We expect additional details to […]
The tax administration of Paraguay (SET) has announced it will soon be deploying a new version of its electronic invoicing system known as "Marangatu 2." The announcement is made at the time that the tax administration is entering the special testing phase of its electronic invoicing pilot, which started at the end of 2017. This […]
The Spanish tax administration published yesterday all the technical documentation required for the implementation of version 1.1 of the Immediate Supply of Information system, locally known as SII. This new version 1.1 will be effective July 1, 2018, and is intended to correct several problems that have been spotted during the first seven months of […]
The Mexican Tax Administration (SAT) decided to postpone again the date to implement the Complemento de Pagos (Supplement of Payments). Apparently, the new postponement is caused by the new technical difficulties in the integration of the new Complemento de Pagos with other aspects of the CFDI and the Contabilidad Electronica. This new Complemento was previously […]
The Colombian Tax Administration (DIAN) definitively declared its intention to impose a wide-ranging eInvoicing mandate via the issuance of Resolution 000010/2018. In summary, the resolution requires large taxpayers to issue and report electronic invoices by September 1, 2018, with an effective date substantially sooner than expected. This resolution comes as no surprise as the DIAN […]
The Panama Tax Administration (DGI) has issued a massive regulation detailing the requirements surrounding a new eInvoicing mandate that will be imposed on select taxpayers pursuant to a six month pilot program. The pilot will ultimately set the stage for a comprehensive eInvoicing requirement. The new publication (Resolution 201-0697/2018) which is more than 200 pages […]
On February 5, 2018, the European Commission backed Italy's e-invoicing mandate by recommending the EU Council approve Italy's derogation request from the EU VAT Directive. By way of background, Italy's mandate (which would become effective in two stages starting on July 1, 2018) requires taxpayers to provide, in real time, electronic invoices through the Italian […]